Our resource center contains many interesting books, studies, white papers, and ebooks. These resources provide additional insight into the skills our training programs teach in the areas of behavior, culture, communication, influence, leadership, and many other social science topics. Use the filters to search the resource center easily.

Crucial Conversations® for Accountability

Feedsmacked: Crucial Skills to Receive Tough Feedback

In our new free ebook Feedsmacked: Crucial Skills for Receiving Difficult Feedback, you'll learn four skills for hearing and accepting feedback - no matter how it's given - in a healthy, productive way.
10 min
Situational Leadership®

Leadership Training for the Modern Workplace

In today’s rapidly changing economy, organizations and manager are facing a myriad of challenges that are testing the skills and abilities of their workforce like never before. From managing a remote workforce to shifts in organizational structures, leaders are facing complex challenges that require them to rethink their strategies, adapt to new ways of working and navigate through uncharted territories.
12 min
Crucial Conversations® for Accountability

Leadership Confessions

Research shows that 2 out of 3 managers find leadership more difficult than expected. And no wonder - most people enter leadership roles because they performed well in their previous positions, not because they were experienced leaders. How do you deal with poorly performing employees, bickering team members or complaints of harassment?
10 min
Crucial Conversations® for Accountability

Eliminating cultures of silence

How to transform a culture of silence into cultures of honesty and effective communication?
10 min
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

The Leader’s Guide to Building Employee Competency

Solutions to develop a high-performance workforce
15 min
Situational Leadership®

Enhancing the Employee Experience With Situational Leadership®

Watch this webinar to learn how the Situational Leadership® approach contributes to and aligns with key elements of the employee experience and can help organizations attract and retain top talent.
60 min
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

Costly Conversations

Research shows that conversation failures in the work-place are both rampant and costly. Read the full research and learn how to build a culture of dialogue.
10 min
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

L&D: The New Competitive Advantage

5 tips to close the L&D divide and better meet employees’ needs and expectations
10 min
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

Financial Agility

The 4 Crucial Conversations for Uncertain Economic Times
10 min