Our resource center contains many interesting books, studies, white papers, and ebooks. These resources provide additional insight into the skills our training programs teach in the areas of behavior, culture, communication, influence, leadership, and many other social science topics. Use the filters to search the resource center easily.

Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

The Leader’s Guide to Building Employee Competency

Solutions to develop a high-performance workforce
15 min
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

Costly Conversations

Research shows that conversation failures in the work-place are both rampant and costly. Read the full research and learn how to build a culture of dialogue.
10 min
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

L&D: The New Competitive Advantage

5 tips to close the L&D divide and better meet employees’ needs and expectations
10 min
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

Financial Agility

The 4 Crucial Conversations for Uncertain Economic Times
10 min
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

The Leader’s Guide to Effective Dialogue

The one skill that can make or break your influence and results: dialogue!
10 min
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

Beating Employee Burnout

Research shows that 1 in 4 of your colleagues has a burnout. Given the magnitude of social pressures, health problems, job changes and increased workloads that we have faced over the past two years, it is understandable that we feel disengaged and exhausted. Yet you can now take steps to make your team feel inspired again.
11 min
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

The Heart of the Matter

One Skill to Strengthen Relationships, Bridge Divides, and Increase Connection. Download the Ebook including Self-assessment.
10 min
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

The Human Side of Change

When it comes to change, one thing is for certain: humans will resist. Learn how to make change inevitable and resistance futile.
10 min
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

How To Speak Up About Things That Matter

Recent research shows a shocking 9 out of 10 people have felt emotionally or physically unsafe to speak their mind at least a few times as COVID concerns, social issues and more have caused upheaval in our public and private lives. But what’s really driving our silence? Are we just victims of divisive current events and a volatile social landscape?
10 min