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5 Strategies from the GTD Method to Manage Your Workload


Imagine this. Every day you plan 3 major tasks to complete, 3 things you can get done in 30 minutes, and a handful of 5-10-minute tasks. You manage to pick up those 5-10-minute tasks between the major ones, but now your 30-minute tasks have piled up because they never make it to the top of your …

What To Do When Coworkers Monopolize Your Meetings


QUESTION Dear David, I work at a university where there is significant group work in the form of meetings or committees. In some of these meetings, a few people have a significant and vocal opinion about every agenda item. Every single one, every single time. I’ve noticed that these …

Try This When You’re Feeling Overworked and Overwhelmed


QUESTION Dear Emily, This year I started out motivated, with goals for health, productivity, and things I want to learn at work and personally. However, our company is undergoing ANOTHER reorganization. Some people were let go and other jobs are being moved overseas. I’m a people manager with…

Q&A – 5 Tips to Improve Focus


QUESTION Dear Justin, In a world full of distractions, how do you focus on the ‘right’ things? Signed, Distracted Author: Justin Hale Master Trainer @ Crucial Learning ANSWER Dear Distracted, This is such a …

Using Your Certified Trainer Skills Beyond the Classroom


Over the last three years, the world of learning and development has been turned upside down. Our “normal” ways of helping others learn crucial skills have been halted, changed, or disappeared altogether. Within our Crucial Learning community, we have certified trainers who anxiously moved …

Q&A – Working with Employee Input


QUESTION Dear Scott, I have an employee who speaks up regularly and voices their opinion and proposes changes to the organization, but if those suggestions aren’t implemented, they get angry. What can I do? Signed, I’m Trying Author: Scott Robley…

Q&A – Speak Up to Keep Up: One Trick to Manage To-Do


QUESTION Dear Brittney, I find that I am asked to do more in a day than I can actually accomplish. Each day, I might get ten things done but twenty new tasks get added to my list, so the list just grows and never shrinks. I try to always focus on the most important tasks, but the additional …

Q&A – How to Lead a Struggling Team


QUESTION Dear Scott, I’m a new manager of a team that previously had a leader that yelled, used demeaning methods of motivation and control, and often humiliated individuals. The leader was removed for these behaviors and the role was given to me. I can see signs that the team is broken. They…