Our resource center contains many interesting books, studies, white papers, and ebooks. These resources provide additional insight into the skills our training programs teach in the areas of behavior, culture, communication, influence, leadership, and many other social science topics. Use the filters to search the resource center easily.

Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

Costly Conversations

Research shows that conversation failures in the work-place are both rampant and costly. Read the full research and learn how to build a culture of dialogue.
10 min
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

Financial Agility

The 4 Crucial Conversations for Uncertain Economic Times
10 min
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

The Human Side of Change

When it comes to change, one thing is for certain: humans will resist. Learn how to make change inevitable and resistance futile.
10 min
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

Vaccines, Variants, and Back-to-Office Plans

A recent survey reveals that many employees feel anxious about vaccines, safety protocols, and returning to the office. They also feel anxious about addressing these concerns with coworkers, managers, and direct reports. Download the survey and get 3 skills to have successful crucial conversations.
10 min
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

Crucial Conversations Course Preview

Learn more about our award winning Crucial Conversations course. Fill out the form on the right to watch the Crucial Conversations Course Preview.
76 min
Crucial Conversations® for Mastering Dialogue

Speak Up to Move Forward: 6 Crucial Conversations for Success in 2021

Watch Joseph Grenny, cofounder of VitalSmarts and coauthor of Crucial Conversations, and Emily Gregory, Vice President of Development as they discuss: What set successful organizations apart in 2020. The 6 most crucial conversations needed to succeed in 2021. Crucial Conversation skills for remaining agile in a crisis and its aftermath.
58 min